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The term "THE DIVINE TRUTHS OF THE TIME" describes the hidden things that God reveals through his one and only legal representative on earth, the GRAND MASTER Guy Emile LOUFOUA CETIKOUABO, which no one had yet heard, as it is written in Isaiah 42: 9,

See, the former things have taken place,

   and new things I declare;

before they spring into being

   I announce them to you.

The mission Jesus Christ sends to humanity is through the Association Louzolo "Amour" OPH, for which Guy Emile is the Founding President. Due to their importance, we publish them so that the world will have the knowledge and so that on the last day of the Lord there will not be excuses to not have ever heard of this good news. The birth of the Founding President of the Association Louzolo "Amour" OPH is itself a Divine Truth, as evidenced by the message he received from God, on February 7th, 1996 stating:

"Emile, of course, You're a man land as all other routes you around the world but know that you're not like them. "

Indeed, His life is marked by several milestones that, ultimately, prove he was chosen from the Heavens, it has been mandated by God and He is the successor of the secret mission of Jesus Christ.

Facts about his early life

  • At the age of two, he received four visits from angels of the Lord

  • At the age of three, he told his mother Julienne Mazonzeka: "I have many followers in the world." Indeed, at that age, he had already passed several white members in Europe. Also at the age of three, he saw God face to face. 

  • At the age of twelve, he entered a deep coma that lasted three and a half years. During this ordeal, he was visited by angels of the Lord and during that time God showed in his mission on earth.

  • -- In the early 1970s in the house of Joachim Nkounkou, located at 23 Matombe Street, in Moukondo District, Brazzaville, Emile Guy Loufoua Cetikouabo received in his presence, a letter from the OPH about his mission. 

  • -- Around the years 1973-1974 The Grand Master of OPH, the missionary of Jesus Christ, received an angel of the Lord at his home in Moukondo, located at 2nd street Delamart in Brazzaville. The angel told him the following message: "Heal people, don't have fear, God gave you this work, he is with you. Save the souls who are under the influence of sin, think of your Lord Jesus who keeps over you night and day, at all times, and who will give you eternal life when you will leave this world."

Around the years 1975-1976 The Grand Master of the OPH, Guy Emile Loufoua Cetikouabo, received the third angel of the Lord. He passed him the following message: "God gave you a long white corn which must sow the seeds. But know that some seeds will not germinate well; to sow corn and it germinates well, you must first reclaim, burn, and plow the field. You have been chosen to lead people in the word of God so that they are saved too. In these painful and miserable times, do your job, don't have fear of anything, but persevere because God is with you in all circumstances. "

  1. During the years 1976-1977, long before he had begun elsewhere, the Grand Master Guy Emile Loufoua Cetikouabo began to publicize the mission of OPH in Africa, Congo. 

  2. In 1977 He moved to Pointe-Noire where the mission took momentum. 

  3. In 1978, Disappointed by the bad behavior of the members, the Grand Master Guy Emile Loufoua Cetikouabo retreated to Loudima where he was taken to heaven on October 8th of the same year by three angels. He stayed for two and a half weeks. Sometime after his return from Heaven, the Grand Master of OPH returned to Pointe-Noire. From there, he went to settle permanently in Kibossi-station in the early 1980s; he resides there to this day. 

  4. On May 22nd 1988 (Day of Pentecost), because of the many mistakes made by the people of God in the presence of the Grand Master, the old Mountain called Mongo Wa Lou Yahweh decreed its final closure. Because of the curse that afflicts this Mountain is now prohibited to access. With its many prayers of supplication, God told the Grand Master of the OPH the new and definitive Mountain for meditation is: Mount Kari-Kari.

  5. The night of Tuesday 7th to Wednesday 8th May 1995 at 3:30 am, the Grand Master Guy Emile Loufoua Cetikouabo received God's message transmitted in the following terms: "It is actually in Louzolo AMOUR OPH where the "Batélé and Bachidi" is born. "Batele and Bashidi" means "The word and the Creation" or "The beginning and the end".  This term refers to the mysteries of God.

  6. On January 27th, 1996 at 1:15 pm, God communicated the twelve laws of Mount Kari-Kari to the Grand Master of OPH.

  7. The night of Friday 02 to Saturday 03 February 1996 at 12:20 am, God gave to Grand Master Guy Emile Loufoua Cetikouabo “The Document that Explains Everything."

  8. On February 17th, 1996 at 12:16 pm, God announced to Guy Emile Loufoua Cetikouabo, Grand Master of OPH, the following message: "Emile! of course, you're a man in the world like any other you see in the world but know that you are not like them!"

  9. On the night of Monday 11 to Tuesday 12th March 1996 at 2:35 am, the Grand Master Guy Emile Loufoua Cetikouabo received the message of God giving to all mankind eternal life. On this occasion, it inspired him to the following song:

    • <<Tala, munu Yesu mu me vukisa beno

    • Tata mama tata mama ta ti: Yesu meni ku vukisa >>​

  10. " Look, I Jesus have saved you.

  11. Mother Father, mother father, proclaim that: Jesus, have saved me".

  12. On the night of Saturday 30 to Sunday 31st March 1996 at 4:50 am, God gave a second document to the Grand Master Guy Emile Loufoua Cetikouabo. That night, in the sky a white arm appeared to him, and God said by handing him the document: "Emile! Emile! Here is what you have done, and this is what you have to do. " And the Spirit inspired him to the following song:

    • "Mfumu ami Do U mbanzila, U nsadisa."

    • "My Lord God, think of me, help me."

  13. On the night of 6 to 7th April 1996 at 5:30 am, on the Eve of Easter: Message of God to the Grand Master Guy Emile Loufoua Cétikouabo announcing the liberation of all mankind, including the following content: "Everyone is released, but they need to clean their hearts. "

  14. On April 27th, 1996, at 9:30 am, the Grand Master of OPH devised a plan which defines Makaka his native village, in favor of brothers and sisters of the Association Louzolo "AMOUR" OPH, his parents, and children.

  15. The night of Wednesday 29 to Thursday, May 30th, 1996, at midnight, God inspired the Grand Master of OPH to the song below:​

    • " Tata Emile mezonza beto sala kisalu eh, yake Nsayi na ku communiquer na tata "

    • "Papa Emile said to do the work (his mission), it is a joy to communicate with the father."

  16. On September 12th, 1999, at midnight, Grand Master Guy Emile Loufoua Cetikouabo received the message of God that talks about God giving peace to all mankind.

  17. On December 31th, 1999 at midnight: Proclamation of Louzolo association " AMOUR" OPH as the second nation of the LORD; it is the people who entered into a covenant with God by the law of sacrifices. (Psalm 50:5 -7).

  18. On January 7th, 2001 at 5:30 am Inspiration of the song below to the Grand Master Guy Emile Loufoua Cetikouabo by God:

    • « Mu me fidisa ba mambou ya munu na insi ya mu vimba Samu ba yina ké na pasi bawu vuka, Samu ba yina ké na pasi bawu vuka »

    •  "I send my messages to the whole worldwide for those who suffer to be saved."​​​

  19. On the night of August 3 to 4th, 2001 at 5:30 am, the Grand Master of the OPH was received up into heaven by angels. On this occasion, God has granted the all, the all, and the all to all mankind. Also, angels hummed the following two songs:

    • " Nkembo nkembo, nkembo nkembo nkembo alléluia » Tat’ Emile é Tata Nzambi wa zonzélé, Tat Emile é Tata nzambi wa Tondélé

    • " Joy, joy, joy, joy, joy, joy Hallelujah - Father Emile, the Lord God has spoken, Father Emile the Lord is pleased."

  20. For this, it remains for us to glorify God, to praise, and to practice the sincere love of our neighbor.

  21. On August 4th, 2001, the Grand Master Guy Emile Loufoua Cetikouabo received guidance on the acclamations to glorify God Yahweh OPH.

  22. On November 14th, 2001, at 4:45 am: The institution of the 7,7,7th Feast of Sabbath in honor of the Lord God in the message addressed to the Grand Master of the OPH: " God's people celebrate the 7,7,7th Sabbath feast in honor of the Lord. "Indeed, the Lord God asks us to respect the day of Sabbath, as it is written in Deuteronomy 5: 15: " You shall remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt, and your God brought you out with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm: therefore, the LORD thy God commanded thee to celebrate the day Sabbath."​​​​

  23. February 5th, 2002, at 6:15 am:

  24. Severe warning from God to humanity, following the attack against his missionary.

  25. New redemption of mankind after the bloodshed by the Grand Master Guy Emile Loufoua Cetikouabo.​

  26. Regarding the first bullet point, a group of heavily armed soldiers on the evening of February 5th, 2002, encircled the tin shack he occupied in wood at the place he stayed at YALA NTSANGAMANI from 8 pm to 5 am. At 5 am, they gave him the order to get out. He complied, and immediately a soldier shot him, and the bullet slightly touched his left arm, which shed blood. A few moments later, a voice from the heavens said, "May this be the first and last time that you touch me." In that instance a lot of the soldiers fell to the floor where death took them, a few ran away but died on their way. The heinous act angered the Lord and he decided to hasten the end of the world. But his missionary Guy Emile implored his pardons. Thus, at 6:15 am, the heavens opened and a large cascade of white water from heaven fell on his body. Then he heard a voice speak to him in these words: "Tell everyone, to all the inhabitants of the earth to stop provoking me, to stop provoking me, God, and may this be their last time to make you suffer the way they did. Otherwise, I'll change and I will hasten the end of the world, I will not listen to your prayers, your supplication, and your pardons. Say that to all of the inhabitants of the earth. The day when the man of the earth will reiterate what he has done to you, I'll precipitate on the last day of the Lord. Even if they are two or three people that make it to heaven, that is enough for me."

  27. Concerning the second bullet point, the blood of the Grand Master Guy Emile Loufoua Cetikouabo, which was shed during the attack, appeased the anger of God and saved all mankind. To better understand the merits of this wonder, let's listen to the Grand Master, Guy Emile Loufoua Cetikouabo edify us, "Ah! Again this will scandalize each other. But how can his blood redeem us? This is unacceptable! And yes, since I am a small capita, because I am his little capita, my blood, which shed and fell to the ground, redeemed people all over the world again; all mankind. That means, every human, it doesn't matter, rather they're big, small, young, old, black or white, etc, and yet... because I came to the world. God told me his secret mission to save all mankind. "​

  28. On May 5th, 2003: Revelation on four generations of God from creation to the present day.

    1. 1st generation from the world's creation to the flood of Noah, is the generation of the PATRIARCHS.

    2. 2nd generation from Noah's flood to the birth of Jesus is the generation of PROPHETS.

    3. 3rd generation: from the birth of Jesus Christ until  December 31st, 1999, it is the MESSIANIC generation.

    4. 4th generation: from 2000 until today, this is the generation of the Lord GOD THE FATHER.​

  29. On November 30th, 2003, at 10:55 pm: Visited the three worlds.

  30. God did visit the Grand Master Guy Emile Loufoua Cetikouabo the three worlds from the depths of the earth. At the return from this voyage of the Grand Master of OPH, God shook his hand and gave him the Baton of Command/Stick of Commandment. On this occasion, God sang the following song:

    • "tu neki, tu vukiri, tu landa Saint Esprit"

    • We've climbed, we are saved, let's follow the Holy Spirit"

  31. On May 20th, 2004: God's revelation to the Grand Master of OPH stated " God is black and Jesus Christ is African."

  32. On October 17, 2004, the Grand Master of OPH was established by God from eternity to eternity to reign eternally.

  33. On May 16th, 2005 at 10:50 pm: The raising of the Grand Master of OPH to heaven where God communicated to him the precise location of the world's creation.

  34. Indeed, On May 15th, 2005, on the occasion of the feast of Pentecost, " the Day of Purification," the Grand Master of OPH, Guy Emile Loufoua Cetikouabo, sent a message to the people of God, in which he said: "It is from Central Africa that God created the world."

  35. Following this, the Grand Master was taken to heaven, On May 16th, 2005 God said to him. " Emile, your message on the creation of the world is true, however, I make the following clarification: It is from Congo - Brazzaville that God created the world, that is to say, everything that exists. " The original dust, which served to create the first humans (Adam and Eve) was taken from the Congo - Brazzaville. Therefore, the Congo - Brazzaville is the cradle of humanity. Also, it is in Congo - Brazzaville that the Lord God, who is the lead author of the scriptures dictated his word as inspiration to the various writers of the Bible." So to not forget this important message received during his stay in heaven, the Lord God did teach Grand Master of OPH, through the angels the Lari language song entitled "Confirmation. "

    • ​​" Congo ni ntu eto congo. Fundu fundu fundu fundu fundu fundu fundu (4 times)Fundu fundu fundu fundu fundu fundu fundu (x2)"​

    • It is in Congo, Brazzaville. Dust, dust, dust, dust, dust, dust, dustThe Country of creation of the world.​​​

  36. On July 10th, 2005 at 8:45 p.m.: Visit of Jesus Christ to his missionary, the Grand Master Guy Emile Loufoua Cetikouabo

  37. Dressed in Arabic mode, simply draping beautiful fabrics with extraordinary and brilliant hues, the Lord Jesus appeared to his missionary. The tissue surrounding his shoulders left free space between his chest and neck. His head was not covered. The appearance of his skin was a dark complexion, a little dark. Angels around him had a skin brown color, a little dark. They all wore identical uniforms, the same tone as their skin. They sang and sang...

  38. Why this appearance of Jesus Christ to the Grand Master of OPH, Guy Emile Loufoua Cetikouabo?

    • The Grand Master of OPH explained in the following terms the nature and importance of this occurrence: "The visit of Jesus Christ, for that I am very aware and very reassured that I, Guy Emile Loufoua Cetikouabo, I correctly execute the mission that the Lord Jesus Christ himself has entrusted me, in a highly spiritual character. This is a visit to his missionary that I am, compared to what I do to encourage me the best to continue the mission of the Lord Yahweh Sabaoth so that it extends around the world. And the LORD Yahveh Sebaoth the Almighty is happy with what I've done and announced to the people of the world." It is in this sense that the visit is part of the Lord Jesus Christ's plans, on the evening of July 10th, 2005 at 8:45 pm.​

  39. On October 5th, 2005: Message from the Grand Master of OPH, Guy Emile Loufoua Cetikouabo, to the people of God announcing the new name of the permanence of Moukondo, CHARAN UR IN CHALDEE. The new name comes from a series of dramatic and wonderful facts which are summarized below :

  40. During the years 1973-1976, the Grand Master of OPH left Pointe-Noire where he was menaced. Following these threats, he decided to no longer receive patients nor cure them and he went to Brazzaville with two adults. Arriving in Brazzaville, it was Sunday morning, he received the visit of an angel of the Lord. He had a long conversation with the angel who comforted him and invited him to continue without fear the secret mission that was entrusted to him by God. To understand the spiritual importance of this event, the permanence of Moukondo was named CHARAN UN IN CHALDEE. This name means as he says himself, "It is here that God revealed to me what I have to do all the necessary recommendations to my mission because I had decided not to receive the patients or heal them. "

  41. On October 5th, 2005: Communication of a biblical passage by the Grand Master of OPH, Guy Emile Loufoua Cetikouabo, revealing his spiritual personality.

  42. On the occasion of the great and grandiose feast of his abduction in heaven, which was celebrated On October 8th, 2005 in Boko, the Grand Master of OPH addressed to the people of that locality an uplifting message in these terms: "It is with great joy that I received your present, the Poule you called Boko. In recognition, especially as you have authorized us to celebrate our feast with you, I send you the light that God had given me. It will appear whenever you gather to pray, and you will see through the sun. However, if you're wondering, "Who is the one who sends us the light? " Please read in John 16:10-15, and you will understand who I am." On December 8th, 2005: A message from the Grand Master of OPH announced he sent the light through the whole world.

  43. During the great and grandiose feast of the opening of the Mount - Kari Kari, held in Pointe- Noire (Mount Sinai), the Grand Master Guy Emile Loufoua Cetikouabo addressed to the people of God saying: " From this celebration, I send the light through the whole world. And where people pray the true God, the Creator God, OPH the Almighty Yahweh, the light will appear."

  44. ​​On December 18th, 2006: A message from the Grand Master Guy Emile Loufoua Cetikouabo revealed the existence of a fourth world.

  45. After visiting the three worlds, God made him discover the fourth world. Here's what he told us about this visit: "God made me visit the fourth world and showed me the people who live there. On this occasion, God opened the earth and said: " Emile! Look, " He showed me the men. In this fourth world, those who have done good, sell, walk, and play ... others who have excelled in evil, chained on small a stool. And others are waiting for the last day of the Lord. Indeed, this world is a waiting area for the last judgment for those who have completed their mandate on earth." Grand Master Guy Emile Loufoua Cetikouabo specifies that the first three worlds are uninhabited; it is only in the last judgment they will be accessible only to those who overcome them.

  46. On February 3th, 2007: Message from the Grand Master Guy Emile Loufoua Cetikouabo on the surrender of the tree of the Eternal Life, the imminence of the last day of the Lord, and the removal of certain biblical passages.

  47. Regarding the first Divine Truth of the Time, the Grand Master Guy Emile Loufoua Cetikouabo received the tree of Eternal Life, on the night of December 24 to 25th, 2006 at 2 am. This consisted of a tree trunk with two branches that crossed. It had small leaves of all colors and fruits.

  48. Regarding the imminence of the last day of the Lord, the Grand Master Guy Emile Loufoua Cetikouabo tells us that we have less than forty years before the end of the world. Jesus is coming soon to organize his Heavenly Kingdom where lives eternal joy, for those who will work for him and will follow his teachings. This period may be shortened if people still attempt on the life of his missionary Guy Emile Loufoua Cetikouabo.

  49. About the removal of certain biblical passages, the Grand Master Guy Emile Loufoua Cetikouabo tells us that the scribes of seconds hands removed certain texts of the scriptures.​

  50. On Saturday, May 5th, 2007 at 4:00 am: Renunciation of God's decision to hasten the end of the world.

  51. Indeed, after the attack perpetrated on February 5th, 2002 against his missionary Guy Emile Loufoua CETIKOUABO, God decided to end humans by precipitating the end of the world. But the supplications of the Grand Master of OPH Guy Emile Loufoua CETIKOUABO appeased his anger and humanity was overturned. Despite this forgiveness, God did not give up his decision to rush the end of the world. Due to it, the Grand Master of OPH Guy Emile Loufoua CETIKOUABO multiplied his supplications for five years, and on May 5th, 2007 at 4:00 am, God answered his prayers by saying he renounced his decision. Also, he recommended to his missionary to organize a great celebration of the Remission of Sins, which will be celebrated from generation to generation.

  52. On Thursday, August 9th, 2007 at 11:55 pm: Message of God to his missionary Guy Emile Loufoua CETIKOUABO announcing the new name of the Kibossi city, which will now be called the Holy City of Kibossi - Gare.

  53. From August 27 to September 1st, 2007: Message from the Grand Master of OPH Guy Emile Loufoua CETIKOUABO to the people of God announcing that Association Louzolo "Love" OPH is the mother hen, which is a house for all religions, spiritual existing associations, and future ones.

  54. From December 5 to 12th, 2008: the pressing exhortation of Grand Master of OPH about the Sincere Love of Neighbor.

  55. Indeed, on the occasion of celebrating the feast of the 30th anniversary of his abduction to heaven, the Grand Mastre of OPH, Guy Emile Loufoua CETIKOUABO, asked with much more insistence than usual, to the people of God to practice the sincere love of neighbor.

  56. Also, the Grand Master of the OPH asked the people of God to give a particular tone to this anniversary by practicing resolutely, from that date, the sincere love of neighbor, that is to say, a love without hypocrisy, without calculation, without cons, without interest, without ulterior motives, etc...

On the occasion of this anniversary, we had the privilege to discover the identity of the Spirit of truth. It is the Grand Master of the OPH, Guy Emile Loufoua Cetikouabo indeed the Black God. For the Spirit of truth is the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Holy Trinity united in one God, God the Father creator of heaven and earth.

From  October 8 to 9th, 2008 for the second time, God might've precipitated the end of the world.

Having found after the celebration feast of the Remission of Sins that humans' behaviors have not changed, God had decided to put an end to life on earth. On October 10th of the same year, the Grand Master of OPH Guy Emile Loufoua Cetikouabo by his love for humans, begged to abandon his decision by expressing in Lari language in these terms; " Tata Nzambi, ah mbe bika, buna na ka muntu ka vukako." This means, "Father God, stop, otherwise nobody there will be saved."​

Dear readers, we wish to clarify that when God comes to dwell among men, he takes human form, as it is written in Philippians 2: 5-7

<< In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. >>

That is why it is said in John 16: 13-14 << But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. He will glorify me because it is from me that he will receive what he will make known to you. >>

It is much that Guy Emile Loufoua Cetikouabo, although he is the creator God, he does not speak of himself as God, but rather he speaks on behalf of his Father; the same way he did at the time when he came to Earth as Christ Jesus.


Let us note also that the Divine Truths of the Time, that we just brought to your knowledge are only part of some of the hidden things that the Grand Master Guy Emile Loufoua Cetikouabo has revealed. 


Indeed, in his message to the people of God, on December 18th, 2006, the Spirit of Truth, Guy Emile Loufoua Cetikouabo, informs us that he still has a lot to announce to all mankind. 

For this, it is appropriate to meditate around the following passage:


"The one who comes from above is above all; the one who is from the earth belongs to the earth and speaks as one from the earth. The one who comes from heaven is above all. He testifies to what he has seen and heard, but no one accepts his testimony. Whoever has accepted it has certified that God is truthful." John 3: 31-33.

People of the world, we are happy because, as it is written in Matthew 13: 17 "For truly I tell you, many prophets and righteous people longed to see what you see but did not see it, and to hear what you hear but did not hear it."

Sincere Love - Unity - Peace

louzolo amour


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