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Association Louzolo "AMOUR" OPH was created by Guy Emile LOUFOUA CETIKOUABO. Since his childhood, He has always loved life and practiced groups of solidarity. His inclination to community life manifested in him at an early age through a strong sense of sharing. For the young Emile, the spirit of sharing has gone through all stages of his evolution. Thus, as he grew older and discovered the misery of this world, he sympathized actively whenever he had the means. This lively and active compassion led Him to create an association for social mutualism and charity. This structure came to be on April 1, 1980, in Congo Brazzaville, under the name of "Traditional Assembly LOUZOLO". On April 15, 1983, it was renamed to the " Association LOUZOLO "AMOUR" OPH. "

Born with compassion and spiritual will, Guy Emile LOUFOUA CETIKOUABO allowed his faith to produce work. The fundamental purpose of Association Louzolo "AMOUR" OPH is to perform acts of charity, to fight against poverty, hopelessness, etc. To fight for the suffering humanity both physically and spiritually so people can have a taste of life and dignity.

Guy Emile LOUFOUA CETIKOUABO states that the acts of charity must focus on the Sincere Love of Neighbor, the foundation of the charity that systematically excludes any bad intention or form of ulterior motives. For his faith in God gives him the firm belief that every act of charity is an act of love that is done.


 Matthew 25: 35-40:


"For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, ' I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me. Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me."

Association Louzolo "AMOUR" OPH aims to help the suffering humanity, without any distinction of race, gender, religion, etc. Its Founding President, Guy Emile LOUFOUA CETIKOUABO, said,


"Any peace-loving person, with the Sincere Love of the Neighbor, is a welcomed member of this association." He added that, "A member of the Association LOUZOLO "AMOUR" OPH has the duty to practice altruism every day of their earthly life." 

Association Louzolo "AMOUR" O.P.H. is an association of charity based on a spiritual character. It has its roots in Africa, the social headquarters is situated in Congo Brazzaville more precisely in Kibossi Station. 



Association Louzolo "AMOUR" OPH is not worldly. It operates on a spiritual level, based on the guidelines of its Founding President. 

The Association Louzolo "Amour" OPH has the motto: SINCERE LOVE - UNITY - PEACE

The Association Louzolo "Amour" OPH is apolitical. It is neither a religion nor a sect. It contains and welcomes within it believers from all horizons without distinction of race, sex, nationality, and social class or status.


Today it has more than 50,000 members united by the same humanistic and spiritual ideals based on the Holy Scriptures.The Louzolo "Amour" Association OPH welcomes all those who love community life and practice Sincere  Love of the Neighbor in the true sense of the term. It brings together all those who thirst for God's salvation, Eternal Salvation, hence the qualifier "Mother Hen". At the end of time, it will bring together all the believers who pray the true God.


(Audio message from Grand Master of the OPH of August 27, 2007). 

Its vocation is to bring together all those who aspire to Peace of hearts and communion of the spirit based on spiritual principles and based on the Sincere Love of the Neighbor, taught by the Grand Master of the OPH.

The Association Louzolo "Amour" OPH is the garment of OPH, that is to say, the organic human means (expression of the hidden God). It is the center of dissemination of the teachings of OPH which is none other than THE ETERNAL YAWEH, the True God Himself, Creator of the Universe and Humanity.

The hierarchy in Association Louzolo "Amour" OPH is defined as follows:


  1. Clients of OPH 

  2. Members of OPH 

  3. Confirmed Members of OPH

Louzolo "Amour" Association OPH is organized into several structures:







Each fully playing their roles as far as they are concerned.

Sincere Love - Unity - Peace

louzolo amour


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